Weird boy at the park

So there’s the 1st grade junior high school boy that is often at the park near my house. He makes the other parents uncomfortable with how he acts around their kids. He’s tried touching my kid’s mouth before and I just told him “さわれないで”. Every time he sees my kids (I’m the father) he comes up to them and gets really close and stares straight in their eyes and is like “kawaii ne”. He’s got really creeper vibes about him, like he’s been abused before. Other parents have said the same thing about him. I don’t know how to handle these interactions and basically get him to stop approaching my kids without escalating the situation. He knows which building we live in because he’s seen us leaving it before. Any suggestions?

  1. It’s a common drama cliche, a troublesome and “identifiable” junior high school student would find complaints about them going to the school they attend.
    If it’s not possible to tell where they are from (home or school) go have a talk with the homie at the local Police Koban.

  2. Keep in mind that he’s still a kid when you encounter him and be kind to him. Intervene, if necessary, if he interacts with your kids in a harmful or threatening way. Otherwise, do what you can to help give him an opportunity to develop more appropriate social skills when he’s around.

  3. “触らないで” is way too polite given what he was trying to do. If some weird kid tried touching my kid I’d yell at him 触んなボケェ

  4. Does he have the red luggage tag with a white cross and heart anywhere on him or on his bag? He may be a person with a disability. Before you do anything else, look out for that.

    Don’t trust the constables to keep you anonymous. Last resort koban, is my advice.

    Raising your voice with slightly more aggressive “dame!” would be my go to. You can also step in front of him, just try hard not to touch him. I would also consider looking for a different park before I went to the cops, annoying as that would be.

  5. Kid is probably on the spectrum and/or medicated or perhaps needs meds and is not medicated.

    Kid could also be abused and is doing what he can to be right.

    Kid could be all kinds of fucked up and is known/not known in the local community.

    Maybe try to find out who he is, talk to your neighbors, get some context, make some decisions. For the time being, perhaps not take your child to places where the problem frequently occurs and work on strategies to resolve the situation. That’s simply part of living in a community. It could be that the boy’s family are equally frustrated, not coping, damaged etc. Take these things into account and make the best decisions for you and your family.

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