Canned alcoholic beverage recommendation

What is your go to beverage? Beer, chuhai, highballs, cocktails, anything!

Personal favorite is 檸檬堂 (Lemon-Dou) series by Coca Cola.

  1. The strawberry flavor they have right now for (I think) strong zero is great. Avoid the mikan flavor, it’s the worst!

  2. I like the Jim Beam Cola. But they don’t often sell it all year round. I often notice it in summer. The Jim Beam pink grapefruit is good too, but only really see that in summer too. The Nikka Cola was good, but not seen that in years!

    So often have to settle for the normal Jim Beam soda can.

    if I’m going for beer, I often go with the Premium Malt Ale (the light blue one)

    Whenever I go to Okinawa I always drink a few “HabuBalls” (this one:

  3. The Lemon-dou with the gold band at top is flavored with juniper berries (main flavor of gin) and I love that one. I’m an amateur fermenter, and I’m going to try making that one later this year.

  4. Echigo is the best beer brand I’ve found here personally. Also coedo is alright, their sweet potato amber ale is great but I usually see it in glass bottles instead of cans.

  5. I cycle between Sapporo Gold Star, Kirin, Sapporo Black Label, and Yebisu

    Think I overdid it with chuhai my first year in Japan 🤢

  6. Isekado Beer. Pretty refreshing craft beer options. They’re a little hard to find in smaller convenience stores but are usually available in semi-large or large 7Elevens.

  7. I’ve got a soft spot for the Kirin Cola Sour. Be warned though, the stuff is 9% and takes just like…well, cola.

  8. Strong Zero. I’m drinking one now, but I usually alternate between different flavors or Highball.

  9. 本麒麟 – It’s the best taste/cost performance. There are of course better drinks but this is my comfortable daily drink.

  10. I feel like Japanese beer isn’t bad in general. I’m happy to drink it. I got into a chuhai phase a while back, and it’s alright, but now I never feel any urge to go that direction.

    These days all I drink is Jim Beam highballs: Jim Beam + soda water + ice. It’s relatively cheap and doesn’t have a lot of calories or additives. I think it’s the perfect drank. Give er a go.

  11. I’ve recently been enjoying 檸檬堂 lemon sour, either the 5% 定番レモン or the 9% 鬼レモン.

  12. Honestly, give some sakes a chance

    Not all canned sake is one cup Ozeki. You can find some pretty good stuff

  13. I am a Suntory lemon chu-hi guy – 9%. But shout out to New England IPA (which is actually Japanese btw). It’s in a pinkish can. 6% hazy IPA you can find at certain LIFE stores but not all. Very easy to drink. Yona Yona is decent as the very available supermarket beer.

  14. Does craft beer count? I order bulk from chouseiya, and at least for domestic microbreweries, I gotta hand it to vertere. Inkhorn recently released cans as well and I’ve been drinking at their taproom since it first opened, so looking forward to that.

    However I can only muster to have a beer or two on the weekends these days, too tired to compromise my sleep and weekdays…

  15. I see someone recommended the 9% drink “strong” they can be nice but.. they do get you wasted 😂😂

    Personally I love Orion beer. Might be hard to find in mainland.

    But yea, you know what you should do. Go to Konbini, the fridges are sectioned off Tea / Coffee / Soft Drink / Beer / Other alcoholic drinks. Pretty easy to tell the difference.

    Go to the Other alcoholic drinks, pick a few you like the look of and try them out. “Strong” is nice but it is very strong lol drink a few of them and you’re wasted. There are some nice 5% drinks but are very sweet.

    That’s why I think just go pick random and try it out. You can easily read the alcohol percentage on the can.

  16. Strong Zero of course. The best flavors are double lemon, giga lemon, mikan, cherry, and the elusive blueberry. The ume and grapefruit ones are pretty nasty though.

  17. Grapefruit Strong Zero. If I decide to drink, I’ll have 2-3 of the tall cans.

    But I’m not drinking right now, so I stick to the lemon sour 0% alcohol chu-hi.

  18. Beery. 0.5% alcohol, so technically an alcoholic beverage, tastes infinitely better than any other non-alc beer, and zero chance of even a slight hangover LOL.

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