Wisdom tooth removal

I have severe pain from an impacted wisdom tooth, for which I went to a local dentist and got referred to Showa university dental hospital last week. But they gave me a date for March 29 for extraction and the pain is constant(writing this at 3:30 am). Is there a possibility I can ask them for early(within a week) extraction or go to some private clinic to do it within next week?

I live near kawasaki area, any recommendations are helpful.

  1. Usually that kind of referral is done because there is some complicating factor with your wisdom tooth that would make it too risky to extract at a normal dental office. There are private dental surgery clinics around that are equipped to handle high-risk extractions but I live in Kyushu so I don’t know where any might be in your area. Maybe do a google search for dental surgery in your area and call around to see if you can find a private clinic that can extract your wisdom tooth without you having to wait too long for an appointment.

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