Just finished all my flashcards for anki n5

Among all these “n1 in 8 months” i just finished all new cards from the tango n5 deck and i just wanted to say thank you all, i know it’s just the tip of the iceberg but it feels really great accomplishing something this big, usually i stop earlier, and that’s also thanks to you all, i love this community, knowing that so many people were going through my same struggles gave me the strength to overcome my curse of lack of motivation.

  1. Really celebrate every victory in learning this language as small as it may be. Achieving this first step is kind of a big deal because you didn’t give up, so you are already better then the other 50 % of people who tried to study Japanese.
    Congratulations! 😉🎉

  2. Hey alright! I remember when I finished RTK and Jlabs beginner Japanese deck at roughly the same time. I was on top of the world, but then left clueless as to how to progress. Continued doing my reviews until I found “n1 in 8 months” Jazzy. With his post I was able to -one click- create anki word cards and focus myself on reading. Initially it was treating anime on Netflix like a visual novel, stopping to read and understand the sentence that was said while adding words to anki. After some time of that where it would take longer and longer to get words I didn’t know I transitioned to visual novels. Keep going! It’s all about spending time with the language. Hope my post even helps you in the slightest.

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