Anki N5 deck without kanji (or with furigana)?

Hello, I’m looking for a version of the N5 Tango deck (or any variation/similar deck) that doesn’t require me to learn kanji, or that has furigana on the kanjis. I don’t know much about Anki, so I’m not sure if there’s a hidden furigana feature anywhere lol.
If there isn’t such a thing, could you recommend me N5 to N4 decks with furigana/without non-basic kanji?

inb4 “but you HAVE to learn kanji!”: ***I KNOW.*** BUT the only reason I want to learn japanese is to read manga (that has furigana). Like, literally. That’s the only reason.

1 comment
  1. You don’t have to learn kanji to learn words with kanji in them. It doesn’t take more effort to do the n5 deck than it would to do the same deck with furigana.

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