Why can I speak better Japanese but can’t really write it but can read some of it?

I need help. Writing Japanese is so difficult for me. Duolingo is helping me recognize the words but I need to write it too. How do I learn to write it too? How do I learn proper stoke order? Japanese is easier than Korean, but at least Korean is easier to read and write. I might be biased because I grew up watching anime and listening to J-pop but like how do you except me to write this? It’s easier just to learn how to speak it and then learn how to write it similar to how a baby does. Babies don’t learn grammar at first, they learn vocabulary, then learn grammar, then learn the writing systems, then learn to read, then learn to write, then go to school and learn some more. I might as well bite the bullet and pay that college $30,000 a year to learn Japanese at this point but my bank account says no. I may be mentally ill, but I am also a genius (they tested my IQ). I have no problem with French or Spanish. I have no trouble with speaking Japanese. Or listening to it. Or the grammar or reading it. It’s the writing Kanji that’s going to be the death of me. I need to finish learning the first two alphabets first, but I’m scared to even learn Kanji. The first two are easy. Can anyone recommend me books to learn Kanji/written Japanese under $50 each. I also need to download an app to help me.

  1. **Overall:** Please write with paragraphs, it makes it easier for us to read. Also don’t go around posting that you are a genius. It’s weird and people will not like it.

    Maybe you are posting that you are a genius because you are worried about something, but stop worrying.

    **How Babies Learn:** You just think if you learn like a baby it will require lower effort or something, but no one knows how to learn Japanese without putting in effort. You don’t actually want to be transformed into a baby and replicating their learning environment. But that’s what it would take.

    **Stroke Order:** If you go to Jisho.org and search for any word or any kanji, you get stroke order diagram. [example](https://jisho.org/search/%E6%8F%9A%20%23kanji)

    **Learn your kana:**

    > I need to finish learning the first two alphabets first

    Ok you are saying you didn’t learn kana yet? You should be able to learn that in a few hours. It seems you have barely started learning Japanese.

    **Helpful Books:**

    > Can anyone recommend me books

    There is one in the sidebar, KKLC, here’s the [link](https://www.amazon.com/Kodansha-Kanji-Learners-Course-Step/dp/1568365268/ref=pd_sim_14_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=51VW2vnGw9L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR108%2C160_&refRID=0GT6TS8F62HVZ9K05SJX)

  2. Hey, super genius, give Remembering the Kanji by James Heisig a try. But beware, no matter what way you tackle it, learning kanji will take a lot of patience, diligence and hard work, which kind of strikes me as qualities you may lack.

  3. I hope you keep learning and the experience humbles you, being smart is not a fast pass to language acquisition. It is difficult for everyone and there’s no way around it.

  4. Bro if this is a shit post, well done you got me. However if you are sincere, you need to calm your ego down. Come back down to Earth with the rest of us “genius”.

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