Boss Makes Racist Slurs about Coworkers

My non-Japanese boss makes racist slurs on a daily basis about our coworkers behind their backs. Examples include referring to an Indian guy as a ‘fat p\*\*i’ and a woman of color as a ‘black pudding’.

I feel there might be trouble for me if I say anything. Should I continue to let it slide?

  1. Dunno where you work. If white collar corporate take it to the complaints window, HR or whatever.

    Blue collar, tell whoever outranks him.

    Balls of steel? Tell him to his face that that kind of language is inappropriate for a professional setting.

  2. If you stay silent, you are part of the problem. Be part of the solution.

    Go to HR. Do it anonymously if you have to, but do something.

  3. I have no idea what fat p**i means. But yeah go to HR anonymously. Though, depending on the size of the company and the boss’ rank, nothing may happen, but still try.

  4. If there is an anonymous compliance hotline, go for it. Otherwise anonymous HR complaint at HQ.

  5. This is unacceptable in any context. If it’s a global company and you have evidence or other witnesses who can corroborate what he said, his ass is grass. Start keeping a journal with dates and times of what was said. This will help you establish an ongoing pattern of behavior. Your company may have a whistle-blower program, as others mentioned. If you’re in a smaller Japanese company, this is going to be rather tricky to navigate. You may need to seek outside legal advice on how to proceed.

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