Short Term Bank Account


I’m new to Japan, I’m in Nagoya right now. I’m looking at staying for a year right now.
I need to get a bank account for depositing my pay, paying rent and utilities.
I’m not looking for savings or credit cards right now.
I’m currently looking at JP Post Bank or SMBC.
Any advice on these two?

  1. Since you just got here, JP post is probably your only choice. Especially since for the first 6 months you won’t be able to send payments out, only receive/deposit in. also I’m pretty sure r/japanfinance has a wiki about this stuff you should look at

  2. Only JP post would let you open an account right away (most banks require at least 6 months of residency beforehand). For rent, you can deposit them through your landlord’s preferred bank ATM without an account (but do check the operational hours because sometimes they dont have this service outside of normal banking hours). Utilities can be paid in cash in the konbini. Welcome and good luck!

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