Trademark/Copyright of anime names, and using them for monetized YouTube

So to clarify on the title, I’m wondering if a YouTube channel name can be monetized under YYP and not have any copyright/trademark issues if it happens to share the same name as an anime character, but the content of the channel (including logo, profile picture, etc) is in no way connected or related to the original anime that it comes from.

So of course I’m not talking about using any copyrighted materials inside monetized content… Just simply the name. For example…. Errr…. “Hinata vs World” (character from Haikyuu) for a gaming channel.

Based on my knowledge, in regular shows names can’t be copyrighted or trademarked, but anime characters are often created and usually not based on a real-life person.

Anybody have any thoughts or knowledge about this?

1 comment
  1. Can’t answer the specifics.

    But even if you can use the name legally, that doesn’t stop an IP holder from suing, it’s not unheard of for someone to make outrageous trademark claim. Are you ready for courts?

    Another thing to consider is uniqueness. If your choice includes a popular character, it’ll be harder for you to protect it from copycats.

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