Any experience with Indeed job offers?

Every time I go through Indeed advertisements I see plenty of offers (mostly IT) where they promise full training and no experience or skills needed. How reliable are they? Is it worth it to trust them and try a change of career or better stay away? Any experience?

  1. Indeed is an aggregator site of job postings. Companies can pay to have their roles appear early in the search results. Like a Google of job postings. I mean why not apply to the roles that interest you and see how it goes? You can also research the company that is posting the roles. Indeed is originally a US-based company which was purchased by the massive Japanese company, Recruit, many years ago now. They also bought Glassdoor, where you can check reviews of companies. Finding a job, is a job. Have a plan, execute and adjust, as needed.

  2. Those full training jobs might be agencies in some cases. They train you up and then dispatch you to their clients.

  3. I contacted one company about the exactly same thing. No experience and full training.
    The recruiter wasn’t helpful at all as he wanted me to do a different job than the one listed. Also he said the salary I saw wasn’t for people without experience.
    And the worse part? After declining it, I started getting calls from a guy in Osaka about investing in a real estate.
    Indeed is good and can work out, but always make sure to search the company name on google before applying.
    I did the dumb mistake to only search after applying and noticed it was a very bad company 🙃

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