Any app that makes you create a 3-sided flash cards?

Let me explain myself better, is there an app where I can make a flashcard deck with cards that have a front / back / 2° back?
For example if I want to learn the word 金曜日、I want the front to be the kanji, then the back to be the reading きんようび、and then the second back to read the translation “Friday”. So I would have a card with:

1st Side/ 2nd Side/ 3rd Side
金曜日/ きんようび/ Friday

Hope it’s clear, thanks!

  1. Typically people use the “hover over”-method with Anki for this: You show the vocab with furigana on the front, but you configure the furigana to only show when you hover your cursor over it. Then you have the meaning on the back.

    The code for this is as follows:

    <div class=’hidefurigana’>{{furigana:Vocab-Furigana}}
    <ruby style=”visibility: hidden”>&nbsp;<rt>&nbsp;</rt></ruby>

    b { background-color:transparent }
    .hidefurigana ruby rt { opacity:1;}
    .hidefurigana ruby rt { visibility: hidden; }
    .hidefurigana ruby:hover rt { visibility: visible; }

  2. I do this with Flashcards Deluxe []( – flashcards can have up to 5 sides and you can choose whether you want it to always test you on the same side or be randomised – so, for example, I have a deck of flashcards for animal, and I have this set to randomise between the kanji and kana sides as I want to make sure I can recognise both.

    You can also use pictures, have audio only, require text input answers, set to quiz mode etc etc etc – it’s an incredibly versatile app but doesn’t have as many pre-made decks as anki so you’ll need to create your own cards. However for me that is part of the learning process.

  3. This is not the answer you’re looking for, but I achieve kind of the same effect by putting the reading and meaning on the back. In my Elden Ring Japanese Deck. I have the entire item text on the front. And bold the words I want to study. On the back I have the readings in hiragana in order. And under those the explaination. For example:

    “Text *投擲* text



    Works fairly well for me. I also avoid translations this way.. Well, for the most part, which I think is important. If you find it fancy, give it a go.

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