Japan to criminalize sex with children under 16

Japan to criminalize sex with children under 16


  1. Society should just outlaw sex for everyone. It will certainly hasten the inevitable for Japan.

  2. Nothing but pandering to the crowd. Its already this or above in every prefecture. No need to make it a national law at all….except to “appear” to be “doing something”.

    I see a lot of people wanting to copy the U.S. or Britain wholesale on this. But just go look up the stats on the safety of children and teenagers in those places compared to Japan. Moves like these may not work out as people think.

  3. > an exception is provided for intercourse between youngsters at least 13 years old with an age difference of less than five years.

    That’s very good and important. Too much horror stories out there about minors who went to jail, just because they where X+1 days old, when they had sex with an X-1 day old girl-/boyfriend.

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