Is there any way to take solely the audio from yomichan and put it into my own Anki card?

I prefer to make my own cards because yomichan stuffs cards to oblivion with like 18 definitions, and it doesnt seem to add important information like if a verb is transitive or intransitive (unless im just doing something wrong idk), so I just want to get the audio file and paste it into my card, because it seems like the only good place for audio. Does anyone have any idea where these audio files are?

  1. Why don’t you try the app Drops? It’s good for audio. Also, try the app Infinite Japanese and LingoDeer.

  2. > yomichan stuffs cards to oblivion with like 18 definitions

    Change your handlebars

    For audio, use (I think it is usually there automatically)
    {{#*inline “audio”}}
    {{~#if (hasMedia “audio”)~}}
    [sound:{{#getMedia “audio”}}{{/getMedia}}]
    then {audio} takes audio

    For definition, you can take
    {{#*inline “test”}}
    {{~#set “first-dictionary” null}}{{/set~}}
    {{~#if modeKanji~}}

    {{~else if (op “||” group merge)~}}
    {{~#each definition.definitions~}}
    {{~#if (op “===” null (get “first-dictionary”))~}}
    {{~#set “first-dictionary” dictionary~}}{{~/set~}}
    {{~#if (op “===” dictionary (get “first-dictionary”))~}}
    {{> glossary-single brief=../brief compactGlossaries=../compactGlossaries data=../.}}
    {{~> glossary-single definition brief=brief compactGlossaries=compactGlossaries data=.~}}
    (with {test} for just the first definition)


    {{#*inline “selection-text”}}
    {{~#if (hasMedia “selectionText”)}}{{#getMedia “selectionText”}}{{/getMedia}}{{/if~}}
    (with {selection-text} to take highlighted text only)

    for example

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