Pitch Accent

I was just wondering if there’s a simpler way to recognize what pitch you should use on a word aside from simply picking it up through native speakers or searching it up.

I’m completely fine if there is not a way, but I want to make sure that I’m not going to further lengths than necessary.

  1. A few years ago I subscribed to Dogen’s Patreon to get access to his series on pitch accents. I went through about a third of the videos before life got in the way and I fell off, but I really enjoyed his teaching style and a lot of what I watched has stuck with me.

    The first few videos are available free on [his YouTube](https://youtu.be/jakXVEUTT48) as well, so you can watch and decide for yourself if his videos are for you.

  2. Personal opinion: I think many new learners get way too obsessed with concepts like pitch accent instead of just focusing on learning vocabulary, grammar, talking to people, and just practicing.

    I think this is something that most people will pick up naturally over time (even if you don’t sound like a native speaker)

    Not trying to put down anyone who finds this an interesting thing to study, but I just feel like it’s not a particularly useful thing to spend a lot of times studying if the end goal is being able to communicate in and understand Japanese.

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