Asia’s advanced economies now have lower birth rates than Japan

Asia’s advanced economies now have lower birth rates than Japan

  1. Yet another western news article that doesn’t mention that the birthrate is below replacement in almost every western nation too. Of course you’d expect an economic angle from the economist, but that home price theory is way off

  2. South Korea is the one that amazes me

    South Korea worked hard to emulate Japan’s economic miracle and it looks like it backfired

    South Korea’s birth rate is the lowest ever recorded in the industrialized world

    The suicide rate is the highest in the industrialized world as well, far more than Japan’s

    A lot of South Koreans still want to emigrate since many still don’t see a future in their homeland

    China is working hard to emulate Japan and South Korea’s economic miracle and the side effects will be on steroids

    I mean, it’s already insane with the [996 working hour system](

  3. Japan and Korea are famous, but what people don’t know about are Finland and Italy. These countries have low birth rates and high suicide rates, but for some reason they are not talked about.

  4. This is why the “I” word (immigration) argument winded up coming in. Population growth is a catalyst to economic growth and the forever desire to expand GDP often runs into conflict of a restrained immigration policy.

    Perhaps we should measure success beyond just GDP? A lot of people will find that a heretic belief?

    Birth rates high or not, quality of life matters. It still sad that Asian countries still see working crazy hours instead of spending time as family (Europe has sort of moved on over that).

    Take a look at: (May require registration and read the user comments) (a somewhat older article)

  5. Mostly it is because of poor working conditions and high expectations about life as average middle-class. Industrialized countries have same problem not only Asia though. Automation causing reduce job’s quality, so people have to go to service works. But that doesn’t compensate middle-class level income. Yet their family anticipate them live middle-class level life. Young people are stigmatized because of this, easily fall into mental illness. It’s a systemic problem but we don’t have solutions because of it is caused by automation, maybe UBI is alternative solution, I don’t think any Asian countries would start this before western countries. In summary, reducing the quality of job, is universal problem. But in case of Asia, they are easily stigmatized. So they kill them selves and don’t want to having children.

  6. Taiwanese here, Taiwan along with other East Asian countries such as SK also have the phenomenon of declining birth rate, but idk how Japan always gets the spotlight for this issue

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