Moving under 18

Is it possible to move to Japan (from U.S.) under 18 alone without being a student?? And if so, how would you go about it?

Sounds far-fetched, I know, but I’m graduating highschool early and don’t plan on going to university, however I dream to live and work in Japan. Is it possible?

  1. The general requirements for a work visa are either a 4 year college degree or 10 years of work experience.

  2. >Is it possible to move to Japan (from U.S.) under 18 alone without being a student?

    No. Unless you’re a Japanese citizen or directly related to one (parent(s), grandparent(s), great-grandparent(s)).

    If you were rich and didn’t want to work, the designated activities for sightseeing visa still requires that you are legally an adult (18 years old for Japan).

    Any sort of visa that will allow you to work will either require that you have completed some post secondary education and/or have years of experience.

    Even as a student, under 18 is challenging as you’d need to have designated guardians to do adult things for you such as signing contracts for a place to live (also bank accounts, mobile phones, etc) or approving medical procedures (if needed).

  3. …with one of your parents maybe?

    Most people first come to live in Japan for studies or work, there are other options of course, but they are not suitable for minors/ people without work experience etc. …

  4. Unless you have Japanese ancestry, or a spouse that is able to bring you as a dependant, you would need to either get a bachelor’s degree or enough relevant work experience for the type of job you want to do.

  5. If you really really want to live and work in Japan you’re going to need that college degree. It may not be the answer you want to hear, but getting a degree is the easiest way to have a shot at living/working there.

    I was in your situation too not too long ago and I’m slowly but surely getting ready to finally move over there in a few years. It’s taken a ton of work, but hopefully I’ll have enough experience in my career to actually get hired by the time I’m financially ready to move

  6. Your choices are: Attend a university in Japan, attend a university in your home country and then go to Japan, or marry a Japanese national

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