Need help deciding how to learn to write kanji

I’m currently using the core 2.3k deck for learning vocab currently, and I want to learn to write the kanji on the side. How would you guys recommend I do this? I’m thinking about making a separate deck for the kanji I encounter in core 2.3k with meanings on front and kanji + stroke order on back.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Learn basic stroke order rules and the stroke patterns of simple radicals and components. And come prepared with a pencil amd lots of grid paper. That’ll get you 99% of the way there.

    No Anki. It’s a bad use of time for learning stroke order.

  2. I’d do something like, get some graph paper, and write the kanji you want to learn, a lot. Like at least 10 times and maybe more like 15. Note that, has stroke order diagrams and gridlines for all the kanji it has

    Then come back later that day, and do the same thing.

    Then before bed….

    Writing is kind of time consuming, I think a lot of people skip it. But I did some writing for the first several hundred kanji (400 or so) but I forgot how to write them already in many cases.

  3. Pen and paper (or marker and whiteboard) is best, in my opinion. When I am out and about, I use an app on Android called “Kanji Study” that helps you study stroke order by having you draw with your finger/stylus.

  4. If you’re going old school, Basic Kanji 1 & 2, or Kanji Look & Learn. Get a notebook and go to town.

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