STRONG STYLE now a unit, Narita officially out of Hontai

STRONG STYLE now a unit, Narita officially out of Hontai

  1. Do you think they’re gonna get a pineater now considering they can’t really lose unless it’s to set up a challenger.

    Honma worked quite well with them and was over with the crowd, I also think this could be a great place to put another young lion in if that isn’t a fujita exclusive thing

  2. I have to say I really like this trio right here. Almost makes you wonder if it’s not planting seeds for next years WK somehow to have something with Shitbata against Suzuki or Narita or eventually Suzuki and Despy turning on Narita and setting up a tag with Narita and Shibata. I’m well aware that’s probably far fetched and wishful thinking but I can also see something along those lines happening even if it leads to him seconding Narita and bringing someone in as a team or seconding someone against Narita. Just feels like at some point Shibata is going to interject himself into this.

  3. this is a picture of every mechanics shop, the Veteran, The Zany Guy with weird fashion , The New Kid.

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