Banking App? Wallet+? AduMe?

I got my bank card recently and a slip for Wallet+ app was included. I didn’t have a choice of banks because the company basically set it up for me and said your money is going there.

Anyway, has anyone used these services? How were they? Are they legit? AduMe is asking for my bank account number and passcode and I’m not keen on entering it. I’d like to pay my rent without visiting the bank though and it seems like this might be the way(?)


  1. I’ve had wallet+ for a few years. I use it to check my balance. Seems legit? Never really used any of the other features but being able to check my balance is nice.

  2. Wallet+ is legit. It’s a banking and points app created and owned by several regional banks across Japan, including Fukuoka Bank.

    I don’t use it personally, but it’s on my phone just in case. It’s legit

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