Are japanese manufacturered electronics more expensive than their US counterparts?

Hey everyone, I’m an American who recently moved to korea and was stunned to see how expensive Samsung and LG electronics were here. Despite being Korean companies they are stupidly expensive compared to what they cost in the US, even at full retail price, and I am wondering if Japan is the same. If you were to buy a Sony television for example, would you expect to pay more or less and to what degree? Assuming the product is not on sale in the US.

  1. You found samsung stuff here? Damn that must have been a deep shop!

    The pricing on TVs and stuff follows competition. The same Sony tv is sold wayyyyy cheaper in the us because of competition. Here it’s a national maker with good established branding, they can afford to be more expensive. Other brands just adapt their pricing according to that environment.

    If a Sony top of the line is selling for 300k, LG can’t sell their for 120k, it will feel cheap instead of high end.

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