How accurate is TTBJ for JLPT?

Hi, I’m thinking of taking the JLPT in December but not sure between N1 and N2.

I’ve done the TTBJ test and got [88%/81%]( a year ago, took it again today and got [90%/79%]( My grammar and listening seem fine (according to the charts borderline N1/N1) , but my kanji comprehension got a bit rusty or maybe isn’t that good enough (a year ago borderline N2/N1, now N2). I just mixed up ç½® for ç›´ for example. The stuff I read has more unusual Kanji, lots of hyougai kanji etc.

Should I play it safe and do N2? Or study more Jouyou Kanji until december and do N1?

1 comment
  1. Considering you have 5 more months go do N1.

    This website is good for grammar:

    Usually the N1 test requires a vocab of 9000-12000 words. Learn words as you read.

    Read a lot of non-fiction (News/Wikipedia) and some older novels/works on Aozora Bunko and you should be fine for reading. You can do Shinkansen Master N1 dokkai if you’re any specific test reading prep.

    The content of the listening section isn’t that hard but the questions require a lot of memorization ability so you might want to do specific practice to work on this. I would just listen to the News, Podcasts, and some educational content on YouTube for practice.

    Take a practice test every month and see what scores you get.

    There is kotoba bot for N1 grammar, vocab, and listening quizzes. You can access this if you’re in a server that has quiz bot (look at The Moe Way).

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