the Japanese tree Hinoki

Some website states that the hinoki tree is referenced in the Nihon Shoki as a “good tree for building palaces”, or even Shinto Shrines.
However, when I check an online English version of the book, it mentions the Thuya (I suppose the Thuja standishii).
I understand it can be a translation mistake on one part as both trees are part of the Cupressaceae family.

Someone with Japanese language knowledge or Hinoki knowledge could enlighten me ?

Thank you.

1 comment
  1. As you say, Japanese shrines use cypress when they are built.And the construction work of shrines is done by people who specialize in building shrines called Miyadaiku.Buddhist temples are also built by shrine carpenters, and cedar wood is also used as a material.In Nara Prefecture, Japan, which has many old temples, there are shrine carpenters who handle national treasure-class buildings.As an aside, there were many people who believed in Buddhism until the Edo period.In the Meiji period after the Edo period, the government encouraged Shinto, and since then the number of shrines has increased.

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