Meat delivery services – are any of them objectively superior?

We’ve had a few threads in the past about The Meat Guy but it feels like every few weeks I’m shown ads for another similar site I knew nothing about and maybe it’s time to come up with an updated list.

So far there’s:

[The Meat Guy](, which everyone probably knows about

[Whole Meat]( which is said was started by TMG’s founder

[SuKarne]( which has been showing up on FB a lot lately

[Mega Meat Mart/Harnet](

Costco (which is much more accessible these days through UberEats)

Are there other good ones I’m missing? Are any of them objectively better in terms of prices or quality? Or will a ribeye from one be just as good as from any of the others?

Edits w/ comment contributions:

[Bell Mart]( Brazilian, Portuguese language only, via /u/ThrowAwayPureVPNDM

[Tele Amigos](, Brazilian, via /u/NesKuiT67

[Tokyo Cowboy]( Japanese with some English text, via /u/HeirophantGreen

  1. [I use Harnet Store]( *edit: didn’t realize it was already listed as Mega Meat Mart, sorry!*

    Very friendly, prompt, and great service, plus the quality of meats I’ve gotten from them are always great.

  2. Generally you will pay a significant premium for any company that specifically targets English speaking foreigners in Japan. So if cost is a concern, something to keep in mind.

    > Whole Meat which the founder of TMG started after he left the company

    Interesting. I’ve heard the story of what went down with TMG but not sure how accurate it is.


    Edit: The founder of TMG is not who is listed as the CEO of Whole Meat. The TMG founder’s linkedin doesn’t list Whole Meat as a past venture, though it does list a few others. His current business seems to be focused on exporting food products from Japan. So I don’t think the guy who set up TMG is involved with Whole Meat.

  3. All of these links scream paying a foreigner premium and “make money with An Online Business(TM)” stuff…. is there really not just a “normal” place selling this stuff? Like are meat lovers here just also using these sites like how people use iHerb?

  4. [](

    Definitely not the cheapest, but very high quality and probably the most transparent/wholesome of the bunch, featuring mostly small producers from Australia and New Zealand. Recommended.

  5. Anyone got a line on Italian meats like guanciale and pancetta? Whole Meat has some (sold out), so other options are good.

  6. thank you for posting I was just starting to look into this yesterday.

    If anyone sees this and has a particular recommendation for picking up good tallow please let me know!

  7. Just a PSA for meatguy. They are currently running their upto 50% off price for sausages this week. Good time to get some.

  8. I’ve gotten my meat from Hanamasa for years. I was laid up for a while and had them deliver. You can order by phone.

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