Hobbies for a bed bound person

Unfortunately I foresee more hospital stays in my future, maybe even long ones. It gets boring. I’m thinking of a new skill to master in an enjoyable way, preferably using materials that I can buy at the 100 yen shop. I thought of knitting or sewing, but the hospital seems to have a prohibition against bringing sharp objects (even scissors).

My friend suggested origami, which sounds good but I’d probably need to rely on YouTube for instructions, and I’m really trying to reduce my screen time.

Keeping in mind that my range of motion might be limited by the drip feed, do you have any suggestions?

  1. Do you cross-stitch? Not sure if they have It at 100 yen shop, but my friends swear by it to focus on a piece, and reduce phone time.

    What about coloring? Sudoku? Crossword puzzles?

  2. Reading; drawing, if the drip’ll be in your nondominant arm; macrame; also, I would double-check on knitting needles because they’re not all that sharp.

  3. Practice lettering! There’s books on how to make fancy letters and handwriting along with cute little art with letters. It just takes paper and pencil/pen.

  4. Crochet hooks aren’t as pointy as knitting needles if those are a problem! On flights I’ve resorted to cutting yarn with nail clippers.

  5. Tablet with a data plan and subscription for multiple streaming services is what kept me mostly sane.

  6. So sorry to hear OP!

    Have you thought about shodou? (書道)

    Pretty sure Daiso sells brush pens and they def have genkouyoushi & sketch books to use for practise.

    Would be pretty cool to be able to write kanji with beautiful calligraphy.

  7. I tried a loom when we came back and had to quarantine in a hotel. It was really easy and accessible, but still had a lot of room for creativity

  8. You could get a PSP or DS cheap secondhand (still screen time, but at least not internet). There’s also sudoku, coloring, or reading!

  9. Get those ¥2000 Rubiks cubes (not the traditional ones but the ones that have a cylinder-core and glide like butter)and learn how to master it from YouTube videos.

  10. I was stuck in a hospital for a week days and I did fingerloop friendship bracelets .

    However the hospital, after lots of chit chat, decided a large crochet needle doesn’t qualify as a sharp object.

  11. I read a lot so that’s my suggestion…I’m pretty sure that’s a skill you already have though.

  12. Minecraft will take up hours and hours of your time. You dont even really need to sleep. Just keep digging and digging until the Phantoms start to wear at you.

  13. I’ve gotten into bracelet making recently, there is tons of patterns online for all kinds of skill levels and styles and all you need is some thread and something to secure it too!

    If you need some places to start looking I can recommend some cross-stitch and bracelet making resources! Also craft/fabric stores and the like usually sell small craft kits, which are surprisingly high quality!

  14. I’m sorry to hear that… I’d suggest audio books, games that require little mechanical movement (turn based) and if you want to learn something programming is fun for me.

  15. I’ll double down on whoever suggested origami. There’s plenty of origami books you can get that are easy to follow so don’t need to use YouTube much!

  16. Language learning! I use the Duolingo app every day and there are tons of languages you can do; you can switch any time you like and learn as many as you like at once, all for free.

  17. Do use this time to have all the procedures recommended by the doctors even if it’s just in case.

    If something requires general anaesthesia or even conscious sedation, you’ll be out for a day, possible prep for half a day and may have to sleep off the drowsiness. Time passes quickly that way.

    Oh and you’ll have to do paperwork while there from what I’ve heard, so it may take up quite a bit of your time, depending.

  18. I personally really enjoy Daiso’s version of Nano Blocks, which they call Petit Block. I don’t usually build the instructions, but just get them for the parts, then build whatever.

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