Omakase Sashimi Set at Rantei in Santa Clara

Omakase Sashimi Set at Rantei in Santa Clara

  1. I had Rantei on my list for a while after seeing it on Yelp and with being a few minutes away, what better opportunity would I have to try it?

    The presentation of the sashimi and ikura don were very well done although service was a bit lacking. I wish they would’ve told me about the items first thing when I had gotten it rather than having to flag down a waiter on my own to ask.

    Tonight’s sashimi included sea bass, red snapper, (forgot the one on the right of it – I will message them to ask and edit with updates), salmon belly, ruby fish, yellowtail, hotate scallop, the ikura don, along with a smaller oyster.

    Still a good spot in a pinch but service could use a brush up on the smaller details.

  2. This sashimi Omakase is 100% legit everything looks super fresh awesome post🤙🤙🤙🤙

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