Japanese Taxes on Dividends

My main source of income is dividends on stock I own in the US. Will Japan try to tax me on my US based dividends?

  1. It’s been a while since I looked at this myself, but if you are a permanent resident of Japan for tax purposes (not visa status), you would be taxed first in the US, and 20% in Japan – HOWEVER you can claim back the US tax on any Japan filing (外国税額控除).

    US dividends are taxed at either your marginal income tax rate, or 0%, 15% or 20%, depending on which income tax bracket you fall in (10% for up to $45K a year, 15% up to $490K a year). Depending on where you file, you should be able to apply an tax paid to Japan to your US tax liability.

  2. I just paid. Been here since august 2022. Idk if I did it right? Went to the ward and told me I was reviewing US dividends

  3. If you’re tax resident in Japan, if you remit money there, it makes that quantity of the income taxable there. If you’ve also been there more than five years total in the last ten, it’s taxable whether you remit or not.

    Disclaimer: not an accountant & not tax advice, you should talk to one who knows US/Japan tax rather than get free advice from the internet, lest the tax office rip you a new one (they like doing that).

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