Heartworm and pet insurance

We’re preparing to adopt a dog, and most of the dogs in our size range came to the rescue with heartworm. I’ve researched a few pet insurance companies, and it seems like canine heartworm is an ineligible pre-existing condition. Does anyone know of any companies where it’s insurable?

Also, if you have experience with canine heartworm in Japan, what else should I know? Or if you can compare pet ownership with and without insurance, I’d like to hear your experience.

(I’m also talking with the rescue, but would like a wider range of opinions and experience. With the dog we’re interested in, they say they caught the condition early, there’s no major heart or lung damage, and they expect a full, healthy life.)

  1. Damned, didn’t know it was that big an issue here. You’re good people though, good luck.

  2. yeah, the heartworm thing is a pretty big issue here. i adopted my heartworm positive dog 7 months ago, but the cost of the medicine to get it treated/her tests have been very inexpensive, even without insurance. it definitely depends on the vet though, do your research and drop a vet if they’re overcharging you!

    even though they caught it early with my dog, she still has some breathing/respiratory problems and is quick to get tired when playing, so just be mindful of that. otherwise she’s a normal, happy, silly little dog.

    may i ask where you’re thinking of adopting from? good luck!

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