[@NOAHGlobal] “GHC HVT Champion Kaito Kiyomiya has asked for there to be NO TIME LIMIT for his match v Okada tomorrow!”

[@NOAHGlobal] “GHC HVT Champion Kaito Kiyomiya has asked for there to be NO TIME LIMIT for his match v Okada tomorrow!”

  1. If Kiyomiya gets his way, that’ll obviously rule out a time limit draw for the match. i really really don’t want to see Kaito lose, but i’m still leaning toward Okada winning this one. it’s going to be very interesting how this match + the aftermath play out.

  2. But as of now the official rules for the match stats a 30 min time limit right?

    Maybe they have to be separated apart after the time limit draw and Kaito could end with the upper hand causing a rematch down the line?

  3. In other words: Muto’s legs are fucked after the Final Bye-Bye match, he can’t go for as long as originally planned/hoped, and they need Kaito vs Okada to go longer to compensate.

  4. In kayfabe, Kaito isn’t too bright is he lol? Is he sure he wants to ask not just any NJPW top guy but Okada, to a match without a time limit? We know Okada says he doesn’t watch NOAH but does Kaito watch NJPW? NJPW main eventers are basically marathon runners bro.

  5. Yes! I’m really hyped for this show. Not sure about the start time, though. 10:30 pm PST, right?

  6. I would frame it as “I don’t want a time limit because I’m going to take my time beating that ass” or something.

  7. Now I’m giving up the prediction game after I’ve got basically every prediction I’ve made recently wrong so who knows maybe kaito will win. If I was in the prediction business I’d say it gets announced as no time limit and okada beats him past the 30th minute but I’m out of the prediction business.

    But just to the people who were like Noah doesn’t need to give concessions because it’s almost sold out anyway. Muto said that naitos announcement sold like 12 percent of the dome that day and they are still selling tickets. No sane promotion gives such high profile spots to outsiders for a lark. I think this will be the biggest gate of 2023 in Japan but naito and okada were added to sell tickets and probably most importantly ppv buys into the west. I’d imagine muto is taking a pretty hefty cut of both the gate and ppv so cyberagent would like this to make as much money as humanly possible

  8. You know, the closer we get to this match, the more I’m convinced this is the best matchup that has been booked since the pandemic started.

    Coming into this, I didn’t think there was a chance in hell that Okada was going to lose. But…… with as much anticipation as there is for this match, maybe plans change because if Okada wins, there won’t be nearly as much interest in a second match unless they come up with something post match that keeps the momentum from dying.

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