2 in 3 Japanese remain interested in South Korea-held Takeshima islets

2 in 3 Japanese remain interested in South Korea-held Takeshima islets


  1. This news site is in English so the headline should read “Liancourt Rocks” or its just pro-Japan bias crap. South Korea holds the islands so if any secondary name is used it should be Dokdo.

    But this is just more distraction from the government owned media away from things that are actually important. The Liancourt Rocks are NOT important and given concerns about China, Japan should stop poking at its friends over some minor dirt piles in the sea that does nothing but remind everyone of its disgusting imperial land grabs of 100 years ago.

    Everyone trusts Germany, but so many don’t trust Japan. Why? This crap right here is one of several reasons.

  2. ””South Korea-held”” lmao

    Takeshima is an inherent territory of Japan♬

    まぁ共同通信だからそういうデマ流すわな 驚かないよww

  3. I loath this kind of crap…I am a Hafu, grew up in Japan and think that Japan should cede these ‘islands’ to S. Korea (they are barely closer to S. Korea) with an agreement that both countries have fishing rights to the surrounding waters. Enough with the friction, just get it done.

  4. Only 1765 people actually responded properly to this poll.

    The Liancourt Rocks have been held by the Republic of Korea for almost 70 years now. I think in general, Koreans are far more invested in Dokdo than the Japanese are in Takeshima. It’s a part of an anti-imperial stance and any politician willing to cede control of it to Japan would be considered tantamount to treason.

    Realistically, I think at this stage Japan needs to recognise Korean sovereignty and work with them on an access agreement or something if they still want to use the seas around the island to do fishing or whatever. Diplomacy needs to be the way forward. Ideally, a joint agreement over control of the islands would be a great solution but that’s a pipe dream.

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