LGBT friendly real estate in Tokyo…

Hi all, sorry if this has been posted or there’s a main thread for real estate, but my partner and I are moving in together. Yay, but we are on the look out for any recommended realtors or real estate agents in Tokyo.

After living here almost 7 years, I’m aware that most companies aren’t the most friendly with foreigners, and especially with LGBT or same sex couples. I’ve heard horror stories from queer friends, and I’m aware we will be best going into this as “friends” and “room share” esk words… that’s totally fine. We just want to find somewhere and are hoping for any good suggestions or tips.

My current real estate agent and guarantor company is not great, and I’ve contacted a new agency, Able, but they’re very slow at replying and processing things.

We are looking around the Shinagawa, Shibuya area…
English agencies preferred, but Japanese is also fine.

Please and thank you in advance…

  1. The suumo app specifically has a section you can select for LGBTfriendly listings. Try that, it says LGBTフレンドリー

  2. Hey, it’s a shitty situation with housing for LGBTQ+ folks and I have been downvoted to oblivion in the past for bringing it up here. Good luck to you both.

    I don’t have much specific advice but [UR don’t discriminate]( If you have a stable income, you get the flat with very few questions asked. I know of some LGBT couples (and a throuple even!) that have painlessly lived in UR places in Kansai so I think that would be the smoothest option.

  3. I’ve never had good luck with that suumo search, it removes so many properties that would normally be open to ‘roommates’, etc.

    Is you or your partner Japanese? You will have an easier time getting past the ‘sorry we don’t rent to gaijin in general’ hurdle that way… but regardless you’ll probably have an easier time renting as ‘roommates’ if you work with an average realtor.

    For explicitly lgbt friendly realtors, I had looked into iris lgbt and lgbt fudousan (both probably don’t use English) when a previous partner and I wanted to rent. Good luck!

  4. Don’t put your partner name on the paper, and tell them you’ll be living by yourself.

    Literally they don’t care who you live it, and they don’t check, they just want to lend out the room.

  5. Not sure about LGBT but for real estate agent, I’ve had good experience with apamanshop. It’s a chain so your result may vary a lot

    The agent I was talking to was associated with sanko fudousan. I have experience asking for help to them directly and it was fine.


    Their only requirement is that you pass the financial guarantor test. Nationality, ethnicity, sexuality don’t seem to come into it.

    The buildings are all architecturally unique, which might not be for everybody, but mine at least is very comfortable.

    I’ve met same sex couples living in my building’s sister buildings over the years, & im 99% sure the owner himself is a friendly ‘bear’.

  7. FWIW, especially in Tokyo, I never had an issue renting a place with my same-sex (Japanese) partner.

    I think the real estate agents generally cared more that I spoke Japanese than that I was gay.

    And while the big companies do offer LGBT friendly check boxes, I’ve generally found smaller local estate agents to be the most chill…

  8. I whole-heartedly recommend AtHearth. They’re a small agency, but all english-speaking, all ultra-responsive and really friendly. I just recently used them to move, along with my own unique share of challenges, and they were super supportive. DM direct if you’d like a referral or any other info.

    Though you might want to wait until after the crazy moving rush is over, if you’re not in a super-hurry. Places come and go really quick at the moment, and sadly owners and management companies will often throw foreigners (and those with… “different” situations) to the back of the application queue, or just straight-up ignore you.

  9. Iris lgbt (I don’t think I can link, but it should come up right away on Google if you search iris lgbt 賃貸) specializes in LGBT-friendly renting and buying options.

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