Weekly Complaint Thread – 23 February 2023

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. Woke up at 6 on a holiday. Couldn’t sleep after. That’s the only thing I have to complain about this week !

  2. I’ve been spending 10 or so hours per day for the past two weeks in front of my computer preparing for classes for the next academic year. I’ll complain here on behalf of all the people stuck in office jobs sitting at computers every working day for years: it’s awful.

  3. I realize demographics being what they are it’s a boom industry but seeing ads for funeral services everywhere I go is just kind of depressing

  4. Definitely an old man yells at cloud complaint, but why don’t shopping malls here have more places to sit down? We went last week, and there were no benches or chairs to sit down in at all.

  5. Ghosted again, and I’ve got a sneaking suspicion it’s due to correcting my girlfriend about certain kinds of Washoku and their origins. She wasn’t happy about my tempura explanation or my hamburg steak explanation, but I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was when I told her that we have nabe thanks to US marines. I’m not even sure if it’s true, but it shows how thin skinned she is.

    Anyway, it looks like I’m back on the market.

  6. Baby calmly sitting in stroller. He normally only tolerates the stroller for 30 minutes but we were about 45 minutes out, heading home and he is happy. I get in an elevator with two older ladies and they get in his face and start loudly as fuck saying かわいい!!! かわいい!! Which scares the shit out of him and he starts to cry and cry. Cries the rest of the fifteen minutes walk home.

    Fucking annoying. Like, he’s a baby…could we not calmly approach him…?

  7. I really need to clean my apartment because it’s dusty everywhere, I can’t remember the last time I vacuumed, etc. but holy fuck I just cannot muster the will to do it. 🙃

  8. Not that much to complain about today, but the wait for feedback on a job interview is killing me.

  9. I ordered a phone for my wife on Amazon. It was a refurb but she really wanted that exact phone and they don’t make it anymore. I wanted to surprise her so I did the conbini pay route (we have joint cards). Fast forward three days (last night around 11pm 🤷) and it’s finally shipped. I woke up this morning and they cancelled the order.

    Annoying, sure, but I’ll just bite the bullet and use my credit card. I go back to reorder the phone and they had jacked the price up by 5000 yen!

    Anyway, private sellers on Amazon are scammy AF.

    Bonus question time! Anyone know if I can get a refund in cash or is it some Amazon credit BS?

    TL, DR: Ordered a phone, they “shipped it”, but this morning they said “undeliverable” and cancelled the order. Jacked the price in the meantime.

  10. Didn’t get the job I applied for :/
    The odds were a little low as it was in Switzerland and they preferred European residence, but still sucks. It would have been a great job.

  11. I want to apply for a new job but there is nothing near me I could do where I could afford to live.

    I’m almost to an age where unless I have some serious skills, no one is going to pay me ¥400k a month (my current salary)

    There are loads of jobs out there but all pay way less than what I make.

    Families are expensive. My wife doesn’t work. Idk how people afford houses and cars with a single income.

    Im at the top of what my company pays so I gotta change or be stuck forever.

    I’ve thought about doing my own thing but I’d rather not compete with my current company and I’d probably end up indirectly stealing business from them and I would really like to NOT do that.

  12. I got that “Keep em Separated’ song stuck in my head the other day while taking out the recycling, and now you will too.

  13. I can’t crack an egg to save my life. I tap it on the counter and just get a dent of shards. Subsequent taps just make the dent bigger. I try to separate it but end up peeling shards off the egg instead, trying to make a hole for the yolk to come out. On the rare occasion I get a crack across the egg to separate it, it won’t separate. I steadily add pressure and then there’s sudden structural failure of the egg and the fucking thing explodes in my hand.

  14. Finally got all the stuff I need (I think, anyway) to do my US taxes. This means I need to do my US taxes :/

  15. Hyakusho farmer-man troglodyte parked in his grimy keitora can’t wait three seconds for the delivery van to move without slamming on the horn and screaming blue murder. I bet he’d do the same if it was an ambulance.

    May God keep all good people from such bad company.

  16. Canceled a ¥25,000 order on Mercari mid December and have yet to see that refund on my credit card.

    Also this month was my NHK fees and Costco membership month. There goes almost ¥20k. Awesome.

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