Monthly combini recommendation thread – what delicious food do you recommend?

There was a very cool thread couple of month ago to recommend seasonal combini food. What cool stuff did you try and like?


7 eleven:

Pork ham onion cheese sauce and basil sandwich: really tasty nice foccacia like bread, I recommend microwaving it just 7-8seconds to warm up the bread a bit

Sudaharu Aoki ice cream macaron (vanilla) : really good stuff, leave it at room temperature 10min ahead to soften the ice cream

Famima : new high protein sandwich (teriyaki chicken and egg and omelyte egg) pretty good macros and yummy

  1. My local 7 had these awesome salami in cheese things that I was buying way too much. It’s probably better for my health that they stopped carrying them in January, but I was crestfallen when I realized they’d no longer be stocked.

  2. “what delicious food do you recommend?”

    Nothing in a combini. You’re in a country with one of the world’s best cuisines. Eating out of a combini seems like going to a Michelin star restaurant and eating out of the bins.

  3. I’ve no idea what the name of it is but the Family Mart rectangular sweet bread thing with chunky chocolate chips in it, they did a version with banana chocolate chips in it a while back as well and as usual… was limited only to about 3 days.

  4. None, overpriced for quantity/quality. Buy real ingredients from the supermarket or Costco. Japanese meat and produce are good quality and don’t need crazy prep/seasoning to be edible.

  5. Legend has it last October I went to my local 7/11 and had “Bread with Salty Vanilla Cream”. It was only there the one time, and then disappeared forever…

  6. Familymart 4 piece tortilla wraps, I think there’s at least 2 different variants, both are very nice, not too expensive and easy on the go

  7. Oh man. One of the kids is addicted to the berry flavor macaron ices. Luckily he has his own money with which to buy them.

    They are delicious. A whole one is too much for me. Nice to share. Will try the vanilla!

    Still cold enough to be loving Seven’s curry pan.

  8. Lawson have some really spicy chips called Death Mix. I may or may not have ate two packets yesterday.

  9. The 7-11 Sumire Chahan is really good. You just microwave it, so it’s a really easy lunch.

    And I love the Famima crispy chicken if it’s been freshly made. I had one right after it had been fried and man. Can’t do regular famichiki after that anymore.

  10. 7/11 has these sausage and egg muffins that are good. A few years back they switched out to a runny scrambled egg style that was shit, but they’ve changed back to the circle single egg style

  11. lemon karaage-kun is my current favorite protein option when i want a lazy dinner

    famima mala peanuts are an incredible snack, especially with a cold beer

    famima mentaiko bread is good too. give it a lil toasting for excellent texture.

    i miss all the strawberry desserts tho.

  12. I don’t know if Lawson still has Karaage Kun, that was my favorite. Too bad now I don’t have any Lawson near where I live

  13. Lipton has the irish tea latte flavor out now which is pretty good. Saw it in Lawson, but I assume it’s not exclusive.

    Also a few weeks ago I had the Yangnyeom chicken from family mart which was addicting. Not sure if it’s still there.

  14. Lawson has some great stuff at the minute.
    I got some garlic fried rice with beef yesterday. Very tasty!

    I’d always recommend Lawson over the other two for food.

  15. Seven has the black thunder ice bars 11/10

    I’ve tried everyone’s chicken it’s always so oily and greasy. I wish the curry pans also weren’t so greasy.

  16. I recently discovered a hitherto-unknown fetish for チーズもち. I can only find then in select Natural Lawsons, however… so I usually buy out the whole stock in one go, like some maniac.

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