Weird foreigner at Miyashita park

I don’t know, but I saw something today that I just wanted to discuss here and hear some opinions about. So I was going to the Miyashita park roof top this evening, a typical hangout for teenage and early 20’s people, when I saw a foreigner in his (I think) 50’s, walking around, insteadly giving me off weird vibes. He was a tall (186cm) and strong man, baggy clothes. He started to talk to Japanese girls, it seemed the be the main reason he was there, clearly teenager or even underaged, shaking their hands, and forcefully trying to start a conversation with them. Japanese are very polite, but you very much knew they were uncomfortable. Now I know there is nothing illegal about talking to girls, but it gave me very weird vibes. Long story short, I managed to passive aggressively force myself into a conversation he had with what seemed to be underaged girls. Didn’t say anything bad, just asking where he was from, and wow, I was amazed he could speak (some) Japanese! /s Anyway he knew that I knew what he was doing and left quickly after that. Girls told me afterwards that they were uncomfortable by it. Anyhow, again, this isn’t illegal. He is allowed to talk with anyone, but so am I! So just wondering what you guys think of this. Ignore, report, do what I did? What to make of this?

Tltr: tall 50s guy talking to random underaged girls at Miyashita park, what to make of it?

  1. Maybe Miyashita park needs some of them Chikan signs.

    Edit- autocorrect changed chikan to chilean.

  2. Omg I’ve seen this guy too! Major creep vibes. Went up to a bunch of school girls and was just trying to make small talk, but just absolute cringe.

  3. Sounds like a creepy dude however not surprising with how pervasive nampa culture is. While I haven’t seen this specific dude I’ve seen older JP guys here and there try their luck. I hate it and don’t think women should be accosted on the street but authorities/law makers have done nothing about it.

  4. Maybe the guy is writing a thread about how a random stranger came up to bother him when he was chit chatting with some of the regulars at Miyashita.

  5. You can call the police, they generally publish notices of “strange person in this area.” But they won’t do anything or physically show up unless he breaks the law.

  6. I think I’ve seen this person in Shibuya too. I think he tries to talk to girls in pairs, probably so they won’t be on their guard as much. Creepy af.

  7. Good on you. Some of my Asian friends from study abroad who aren’t even Japanese have gotten harassed by weirdo foreign dudes just out and about. One guy on the subway literally was looking at my friend’s phone screen and saw that she was writing in English and he was like “Oh you know English. Are you Japanese?” and she was like “Uh yeah I’m American and no I’m Chinese” and then he proceeded to hit on her and tell her that he had no friends and I wonder why. 🤦‍♀️

    If I ever find myself in Miyashita Park and I see this dude being a creep, I’ll go up to him and pull out the 気持ち悪いけどand call his ass out on the spot.

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