Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (February 23, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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**This does not include translation requests, which belong in /r/translator.**

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Why last name of this person using in two variants: 2023年よりF1パワーユニット総責任者に角田哲史(カクダテツシ)

  2. Is this sentence correct grammar wise?


    “At home I will listen to music at 4:30 p.m.”

    Are there other ways to order this?

  3. Is anyone aware of a free pdf OCR program for Windows? I have a 150-page pdf I’m trying to get added to the jpdb database.

  4. I’m about 100 cards into Core2k/6k, and see lots of people mentioning using mnemonics to recognize kanji and such. I can see this being useful down the road when Kanji are similar or written with more strokes, but early on (right now) it feels like it would be an extra thing to remember.

    I find myself learning the readings and recognizing Kanji without much hassle, but wondering if me not creating mnemonics will hurt me down the line. Alongside Anki, I’ve been going through this [JLPLT Kanji list](http://www.studykanji.net/kanjilist/) in order and writing them out, which helps my recognize and remember what each means.

    Does anyone here not use mnemonics to remember every kanji/vocab?

  5. Was wondering about this line from the Final Fantasy IV script, which is here for context: http://ff4com.s4.xrea.com/ff4conve/conve015.html

    > 聖なる力に守られしリボンを、きさまらの手に渡すわけには行かん・・・・

    What does 守られし do to this grammatically? It looks kinda like passive form. I think this says something like, “The sacred power of this ribbon, I will not hand over to you bastards.”, but I’m not so sure.

  6. Why is it some days Japanese comes so easily and other days its like a mental block? Yesterday I was consuming japanese media so casually, understanding, and enjoying it but today when I try all of the sudden my brain is back to translating mode trying to figure out every single meaning. Is there just “off days” that not much can be done about?

  7. If you are not saying the direct object, do you only use intransitive verbs, or do you use transitive with the DO implied?



    I notice a lot of Japanese YouTubers use intransitive forms in games where they find a key or something, but I didn’t know if that’s a rule or just a way of speaking

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あの、初めて日本語を習い始めた時、2年前でした。あの日から、1年後大学に入れましたので、あまり日本語が勉強できる時間もない、決意もないんです。基本、あまり決意がないというか、ただ疲れているし、1週間に二三時間しか勉強してしまいません。実は、もっと勉強したいのに、出来ないから不安になっちゃいます。 皆さんは、効率的な勉強のチップがあるでしょうか?誠にありがとうございます✨ by PoggerMaster69