I think i was unfairly graded and now about to lose scholarship. What can I do?

I will try to make this short. I am currently studying illustration at a vocational school, so there are no regular tests, and we are graded based on our assignments.

In this first year I got 4 良s instead of 優s out of 18 subjects, when the maximum allowed are 3 in order to keep scholarship. The thing is, I only really agree with 1 of those, and 1 of the others in my opinion makes no sense at all just by comparing my assignments with the students who got 優.

I am being told now that even if I ask the teachers to reevaluate my grades and it gets changed to 優, the school is not going to give me the scholarship anyway. Because they have a blind trust to how teachers grade the students in the first place, in any way they want.

I don’t have money, time or sanity to try taking legal action if that is even possible. It would be good if there was any kind of law or regulatory body that could help me and I am not aware of, though.

I appreciate any help.

  1. I’m sorry to hear about the situation with your scholarship.

    Art school grading often takes more than just quality into account- Are you completely sure you understood the grading criteria? Did you consult your professors during your process to make sure you were on the right track? If you were very thorough with these steps and had confirmed with your professors that you were headed toward the grade you wanted, but it still turned out this way, then you’d want to consult staff at your school for advice.

  2. Sounds like the school doesn’t want to pay the scholarship anymore and are trying to see if you will pay yourself. Maybe try to look online to see if you are not the only person?

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