Unable to print pdf document at Seven Eleven printer

I am having trouble printing some documents I need. I cannot download the 7/11 multicopy app because Im in the wrong google play region. I have sent the documents to friends who have the app and they have only encountered errors. I have put the documents onto a flashdrive and gone to the konbini (7/11) and it won’t let me select the file because of an error. I have tried to use the netprint service from this [link](https://lite.printing.ne.jp/web/?_gl=1*1w1cg4q*_ga*MTY4ODA0OTY1MS4xNjc3MTI3ODg3*_ga_XZTJ269MCX*MTY3NzEyNzg4Ni4xLjEuMTY3NzEyOTY2Ni4wLjAuMA) and only get errors back. I have no idea what is going wrong.

The files are regular pdf-documents as far as I can tell. I am doing all this from my laptop running Ubuntu 22.04 if that makes any difference.

I currently live in Imadegawa in Kyoto. I need these documents in paper as soon as possible. Do you guys have any idea what could be going wrong or any other method I could use to print?

  1. To get around the Google play limitation, make a new Gmail account with this region, or whichever the app calls for.

    Have you also tried going to a different conbini like family mart?

    You might also want to check a local library or city hall.

  2. seconding going to a different conbini or local library.

    alternatively, you could try a print shop like Kinko’s キンコーズ. The staff might be able to help.

  3. I don’t know anything about their apps.

    Is the USB stick formatted as FAT32? If you’ve formatted it as one of the Linux EXT file systems, it might not be readable. It’s probably this if the printer says that it cannot read the stick.

    Make sure that the PDF doesn’t have any weird characters in the file name; although I’m fairly sure that Japanese characters would be fine.

  4. Good suggestions. Another option is to save the PDF as something else like JPEG and try to print that.

  5. You may also try to “convert” the pdf. Open it in, say, Inkscape or LibreOffice, and save it again under different names. You can also try ImageMagick: “convert input.pdf output.pdf“. Chances are that one of the versions work from the stick. Stick should be formatted as fat32 or similar, so that the combini printer can read them.

    Good luck!

  6. As Tannerleaf said it might be because of the different formatting or that it seems to be a pdf but is actually not:


    Anyway, maybe try to upload the PDF to Google Drive and see if it will open or if you have the file in some kind of word, excel format or whichever application you are using on Ubuntu (when I was using Mint I usually used Google services to create documents so basically no knowledge, which one you may used). If open in Google Docs or Sheets, etc just download as PDF and this one should work when uploaded to the netprint service.

    By the way I had the same issue as you when using Mint and put any kind of file, even images on an usb stick so I switched to upload it to netprint when I need anything to print or use [https://networkprint.ne.jp/sharp_netprint/en/top.aspx](https://networkprint.ne.jp/sharp_netprint/en/top.aspx) for Lawson, Family Mart and Popular.

  7. Is the file password protected? I wasn’t able to use Print Smash with password protected PDFs.

  8. I have seen 7/11 machines don’t support the PDF files that i created 5-7 years ago, because their software is not compatible. So, for those PDFs, i use the one in Lawsons. Their software are compatible for older pdf too.

  9. Here’s how I do it: “print” your pdf, but instead of printing to a printer, print to a new pdf file. This new pdf will be bitmap based. Save it to a fat32 formatted pen drive.

  10. If you have the files on your phone, can you try wifi Bluetooth printing? I remember last time my own usb wouldn’t work, but I was able to print when connecting to their wifi.

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