Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (July 07, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. When reading , i met this sentence but not sure about its meaning ,much thanks if anyone can help me understand it correctly. MC feels hard to sleep at night ,then he opened his eyes ,still sleepy ,and saw a mysterious girl is laying next to him .Then she said this「あ、目が覚めちゃった? せっかく眠っているところ起こしちゃったね」
    Here the part which I’m not quite get it
    **せっかく眠っているところ起こしちゃったね** (My guess : “Looks like I have woke you up when you’re just about to fall asleep ” )
    Also I’m confuse about the meaning of せっかく here

  2. When a する verb gets contracted like this example:


    What’s going on with this contraction? I think it might be something like しなければ but where is the て coming from?

    For context here is the page:


  3. I’m wondering if this “pun” translates well, or at the very least makes even a *modicum* of sense with what I’m intending?
    I’m sort of translating:

    > *”Femme Metale”* (*”Femme Fatale”* + *”Metal”*)


    > 傾城金属 [Keisei Kinzoku] ([傾城傾国 [Keisei Keikoku]](https://i.imgur.com/0O6kgam.jpg) + 金属 [Kinzoku])

    It’s not really being used in a sentence, it’s more just existing as a standalone phrase. I have more doubts than not but I’m wanting to get a second opinion at least.

  4. Excerpt from the novel コンビニ人間:


    English translation: What a pain I thought, wondering why everyone felt such a need for reassurance. But out loud I just parroted the excuse my sister had told me to use whenever I was in a fix: “No, no. It’s just because I’m not strong. That’s all!”

    I more-or-less understood what the text was saying before I looked at the translation , but I’m having trouble parsing the sentences and have two questions regarding that:

    1. Is「こう言えと言っていた」some sort of grammar structure? I tried looking up various parts of this construction and couldn’t find any info on it. Mostly confused on what the purpose of 言え is here, as well as the the use of と. I do get that this part is describing 言い訳
    2. Just a quick check: the second half of this long sentence should be able to be bracketed like this? 「うーん、とにかくね、私は身体が弱いから!」と[~~、妹が、困ったときはとりあえずこう言えと言っていた~~]言い訳をリピートした。

    Thanks for the help! I’m enjoying the novel so far, it’s an interesting read for anyone looking to pick up their first “real” book that seems to be not too challenging.

  5. is there any difference between 辛い, づらい, and つらい? Or are they all interchangeable?

  6. I read this article about てくる and ていく and was wondering how these grammar points apply to the following sentences. I guess I am just having a little difficulty conceptualizing it in my head and understanding where the action of the verb( in the below sentences) occurs in relation to my myself

    > また大変な時期が来た。今の時期の発熱は熱中症や細菌感染による肺炎などほかの病気の可能性もあるので問診で見極めをしてミスなく対応していくことが**重要になってくる**」と話しています>

    Is this expressing time flow here? Is the 重要 starting in the past and coming towards or has it already reached us?

    What would be the difference between 重要になってくる and 重要になる? The nuance is invisible to me.

    > そう云って楓は隼平に鋭い凝視に当ててきた。隼平は動揺した>

    Is the あててきた taking place in the past like the plain form あてた

    > “ソニアはそう云うと、もはや隼平には一瞥もくれずに部**屋を出ていった”**>

    In 屋を出ていった, is the idea here that he left the room and that action continues on?

  7. I’m sorry, this isn’t a question, but I just needed to say. I posted one thing on HelloTalk, and I almost immediately got 5 people to talk to me, and am currently talking to 4 concurrently

  8. I was reading a light novel and encountered the following: 店の近くに来ると中からカンカンカンと音が聞こえてくる。In this sentence, should I read 店 as みせ or てん?

  9. can someone explain to me how this sentence works? **和英バイリンガルの人が日本の一般的な英語教育に対して「いやそんな表現母語話者誰も使わへんw」とツッコむやつを反転した日本語教育版の筆頭は「いいえ」なんじゃないかと思ったりはする**

    I can understand **Anglo-japanese bilinguals say about Japan’s general English education “nope, no native speakers talk like that”,** but after that the sentence becomes a mess for me. Probably part of the problem is that i cant even google what 教育版 means

  10. こんばんは皆さん。

    My Genki 1 textbook is arriving today, and I am looking very forward to it, but I am starting to wonder if I really bought everything needed.

    [This is the edition](https://amzn.eu/d/ajBNIMu) of the textbook that I ordered, as well as [this Answer Key](https://amzn.eu/d/dFm4BBb) which I received yesterday. When I ordered it, I was a little confused by the beige VS orange books, but I knew I needed both the textbook & a workbook and I believed the Answer Key is the same.

    … I also need to order a workbook on top of those 2, don’t I? I’m surprised at myself for getting so confused. [Will this one](https://amzn.eu/d/4ATLJ3u) suffice, despite seemingly being an ~~older~~ newer edition? What am I lacking until I have it, too?


    Edit: Really appreciate the help, I’m going to have the 2020 versions of everything now. 😊

  11. Regarding the usage of ぶつける as a way to express your feelings, does it apply to *any* emotion whether negative or positive?

  12. I am listening to a radio broadcast and a few seconds [from this point in the video](https://youtu.be/wHFClHT2VC8?t=896), the speaker said something like かんとつした. I recognized that it might be a する verb but I can’t find it in the dictionary so I might’ve misheard it. Can someone help me?

  13. I am supposed to describe a room. Can i say ‘kono heya ni hondana ga arimasu. Kono heya ni mo beddo ga arimasu’ or should i say ‘kono heya ni hondana ga arimasu. Kono heya ni beddo mo arimasu’?

  14. What’s the overall opinion on stuff like Anki, RTK and AJATT.

    I find a lot of people here don’t like the notion that these aren’t useful tools, and yet everything about them seems to actively impair their users in the long term. I’d like to know why they’re so popular.

  15. There have been a billion threads about what books to use etc. I have Minna no nihongo and the 2nd edition of Genki and the workbook. Is there an online resource, free or otherwise, that has a lesson flow I can follow? I’m absolutely terrible as managing time for self learning. If there is a structure I can follow, almost like a legit course, I am HIGHLY interested in it.

  16. Back with another ~てしまう question! From made in abyss s2 ep 1, around 6:00

    “彼なら、たとえおおごんきょう(i have no idea what this actually is in jp, but it’s “the Golden City”)が存在しなくても、見つけ出してしまうだろう。”

    Subs: In his case, even supposing the Golden City doesn’t exist, he will find it.

    Context: the Golden City is a place they want to go, it’s said to bring good fortune etc etc

    So why てしまう? Wouldn’t finding it be a good thing?

  17. 「今住んでいる所は、マディソンていったかな」
    What does this mean? Why is 言うin the past tense? Does it imply this “place” is no longer called Madison, or what?

  18. Hi, I’m thinking of taking the JLPT in December but not sure between N1 and N2.

    I’ve done the TTBJ test and got [88%/81%](https://i.imgur.com/MX5cfqI.png) a year ago, took it again today and got [90%/79%](https://i.imgur.com/WilT0vO.png). My grammar and listening seem fine (according to the charts borderline N1/N1) , but my kanji comprehension got a bit rusty or maybe isn’t that good enough (a year ago borderline N2/N1, now N2). I just mixed up 置 for 直 for example. The stuff I read has more unusual Kanji, lots of hyougai kanji etc.

    Should I play it safe and do N2? Or study more Jouyou Kanji until december and do N1?

  19. I keep hearing a word/phrase that sounds like “kanji” in my podcasts and audiobooks and it’s clear they aren’t referring to idograms or kanji writing. I can’t figure out what it is.

    Could it be or ka naji or something? Any ideas?

  20. I studied minna no nihongo lessons 1-12 and found n5 pretty easy. I want to give n4 in December. Will lessons 13-25 be enough or do I need the second series as well?

  21. What’s the difference between saying じゃあね from さよなら?

  22. Several JP-EN online dictionaries have an audio file of the word 永遠 (えいえん) with the えい pronounced with both vowels, without the usual double “e” in other words. Is this correct? Does this happen because the sound “e” is not part of a consonant+vowel kana in this case?


  23. what does oagari mean here?
    line frmo anime set in england in 1800s

  24. Hello I want you to help me correct my translation

    The sentence i trying to translate is (I have never seen how sushi is made)

    The translation I’ve came up with (すしは作ったを見たことがありません)

    I feel that the Sentence is off can you guide me where?

  25. hello all, i’m in elementary japanese, my first term, and we are only using hiragana at the moment, i need help with: “What time do you go to work”. we have only briefly touched on ‘へ’ and i don’t know if i need to use it or if i should use に. also, は after Yumi-san.. these are my attempts:

    ゆみさんはなんじにしごとへいきますか。 or ゆみさんはなんじにしごとにいきますか.

  26. can someone explain the use of にとって?
    like in the example sentence: 勉強も遊びも共に健康にとって必要である

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