Weekly Praise Thread – 24 February 2023

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. Spent the day cleaning and organizing my house yesterday because I found out MIL was visiting. Great reason to finally get the house in (better) order.

    Today the new Kirby comes out !!! I’m so excited. Can’t wait to play it tonight

  2. Spent the whole day with my daughter yesterday. I could get some work done in the garden, she pulled some carrots, found a ladybug, tried to put a spade of dirt down my plumbers crack… Had a great time with her.

    Then in the afternoon we went to the mall and played in the play area, then “she” wanted to check out the UFO catchers. I got her another little plush which she’s happy with.

    Just love it! If I could pay the bills with a part-time job, I’d do it in a second. Missing so much time with her sucks balls.

  3. Got fiber internet installed yesterday, and it feels really nice after almost a month inbetween the previous company shutting down their service. Was worth waiting to have it done on the holiday instead of taking off from work.

  4. Bought some mustard and it actually tastes not that bad. Planning on making hot dogs for lunch.

    Not very high tech considering my complaint yesterday about junk food, but it’s less junky compared to pizza or fast food, so I consider that a win.

  5. My wife learned to budget and save money and just hit a milestone of 3m in savings, all from her own salary. Mix of NISA and regular investment. To think I almost broke up with her early on because she was so irresponsible with money!

    I already save more than enough for our retirement so her savings are going to be a nice bonus or emergency fund in the worst case.

  6. Some redditors recommended some kids books the other week and I bought some elephant and piggy books. My little one loves them. Great suggestion. Thank you dear redditors.

  7. Went to a club (more of a disco?) on Wednesday with my friends and it was a wild ride. By the time we left there was five of us (we all live in the same share house) so I decided to let them have the taxi and just walked back 12km. It was a surprisingly refreshing experience.

  8. Even though I cycle to work I’m still eligible for a partial transportation reimbursement. As I changed locations I wasn’t sure how much the new reimbursement would be, but as it turns out it’s ¥5000. Not too bad considering it’s only a 10 minute cycle.

    Also tried the new Pringle’s Sour Cream & Onion Famichiki. It’s not for me, but if you’re into it more power to you. Slowly making my way through the other recommendations from the combini thread the other day.

  9. I made some great enchiladas last night. and when I sat in on an interview the CEO did, he had me answer a question in English, and gave me a PAAFEKUTO! afterwards.

    otherwise, this week has been long and rough, with a buildup of way too many inconveniences and frustrations. I’m glad for this thread and being able to hear about all the wholesome little joys in other jlifers’ lives.

  10. My travel schedule next month worked out perfectly that I could get a ticket to a music festival the day after a conference/meeting ended and still be back for another thing I have to do the following morning. It’ll be my first concert/festival since the before times, so I’m pretty excited. There’s also a bunch of groups I’m not familiar with, so I can do some pre-gaming and discover new music.

    Took the kids to a standalone (i.e., not in a shopping mall) arcade because we heard that it was easier to win stuff there, and one won something himself and I got something for the other who’s still a bit too small to do it well. Normally the claw games feel like a massive waste, but for < ¥1000 they both got something they were really happy with.

    My head cold is bullshit, but having basically the whole week off as a result has been really nice.

  11. I want to thank the kind Japanese visitors coming to this quiet Japanese town. Most of them come directly from Tokyo, a few from the neighbouring prefectures. In any ways, after a long day instructing on the slopes, I go to 7eleven, grab a drink and usually a カレーパン and put my sore feet in the foot bath. I don’t get to talk much with Japanese except in the foot onsen/foot baths. My level is basic but the Japanese are patient and I get to practice the language. Everybody told me to try go drink with the Japanese to socialize but nobody told me that the best place to practice daily would be at a foot bath. Thank you for helping a foreigner improve, this language is a difficult one after all.

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