Sagawa English Support?

So, is there an english hotline for this company?

Sagawa has said my package has been “in delivery” for at least 2-3 days now on the tracking

It says “attempted delivery” multiple times. Except I’m home for the week. I live in a one room home so the door is very close and I can hear it even if im far from it.

There has been NO attempt at all.

  1. You can use this phone number from 8 AM to 7 PM daily and they should have a person who speaks English available. 😉
    **For inquiries about domestic deliveries within Japan:**
    **050-3032-9151** (In English)

  2. I’m sorry, Sagawa sucks. I’ve caught them not knocking and slipping in the missed delivery form and leaving. As in, I watched a person go by my window, saw the paper slip come through my slot into the genkan and then they left. I ran out after them and wrote to customer service. Nothing came of it. They also used to regularly change the password to my lockbox and not write it anywhere, so I would have to do the emergency unlock, which was tedious and can only be done with the door propped open. Never had that issue with any other delivery service. At my place now the there’s a lady who does my Sagawa deliveries who is nice, but in the past I used to cancel Amazon deliveries that should use Sagawa with that as my stated reason since it was so bad.

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