Learning new topics

I’ve been learning Japanese for quite some time, and it really feels like I haven’t improved. New vocabulary is not sticking with me long, I’m entirely lost when it comes to grammar, I don’t really know what grammar point I should learn next.
Even if I do find something to learn, it takes a fair bit of time to learn.

I would greatly appreciate any help and guidance. I would love to see what your path was to fluency.

  1. One thing I think is important to point out is that I’m self learning. I do have a language exchange partner, though.

  2. > New vocabulary is not sticking with me long

    This is normal. When you first come across a new word your brain has not recognized it as something important to remember. You have to come across new words a handful of times before your brain will be like “oh hey, I keep seeing this, I should remember it”. So the solution to this problem is repetition. If you read a paragraph and learn a couple new words from it, make sure to go over the same paragraph tomorrow and maybe even the day after tomorrow too, and then you’ll have more exposures to it and be more likely to remember it.

    > I don’t really know what grammar point I should learn next
    If you can read basic sentences I would recommend learning whatever grammar you come across in your reading. I just learned the 「verb stem + がち」grammar point because I saw it in a couple articles I had read, I didn’t search it out or go down a list of grammar points.

    My learning started out very structured and overtime has become a lot more open and fluid, instead of picking up a grammar book to learn grammar, I just learn what I come across. Instead of doing a 2/4/6/8k deck of anki cards, I just add new cards based on words I come across in my reading. I wasn’t able to reach this point though without the structure in the beginning. So depending on where you’re at in particular you may need more foundational knowledge or you may be ready to jump into the deep end on your own.

    Either way, it will be a struggle, if you’re able to do something no problem you’re not learning, it’s when you’re confused and don’t understand something that you learn the most, so go struggle! Grapple with some confusing text until it is clear to you, and then move onto the next! Best of luck!

  3. The best way to acquire new grammar and new vocab is to just enjoy the language and consume all kinds of media content that you enjoy. Preferably books. Do you read? Do you play games in Japanese? Do you watch Japanese media (anime, youtubers, etc)?

    If not, why not? Make the language fun. It might be hard at first, but it gets easier over time.

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