What media-related language resources can I share with my Japanese students?

I’m going to have my last lesson with my 3rd year junior high school students, and I want to give them tips and advice on how to study English outside of school, and in ways that will actually make them more interested in English language culture. The obvious ones are “try English Youtubers” and “try to watch a movie without subtitles,” but that might be a little narrow.

My idea is, I feel like there’s got to be some Japanese learning resources that use media could work in reverse, but I’m not up to speed on what media-related resources are around these days, that would work for teenagers. Are there any alternatives to that Bilingual Manga site that used to be around? Are there any web-based games or apps?

Anything kind of media that is SFW and, importantly, legal, that works for both Japanese learning and English learning in reverse would work really well, if you know of it.

  1. Why not share media with them that you find enjoyable? Like “check out ProZD and Francis John” instead of “try English Youtubers” or “I really liked Die Hard/Shawshank Redemption/Good Will Hunting” instead of “try to watch a movie without subtitles”.

    For stuff that’s easy to follow, I’m a big fan of “Between the Lions”.

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