Just 16% of Japan assembly heads open to foreigner referendum voting

Just 16% of Japan assembly heads open to foreigner referendum voting


  1. Interesting. I mean you need immigration but why prevent them in having a say in the society they have chosen to live in. Added. I mean it will not shift the pendulum would it?

  2. Every time I’m reminded that I’m a guest in japan, I point out that in my house guests don’t pay taxes, especially if they don’t get all the privileges that comes with it.

  3. Being this near from China and large amount of Chinese resident it will be so easy to got influenced by China spy.
    As a Chinese myself I do not support this at all, why am I even moved here in the first place? If I want to vote I will just get a Japanese passport, that is true audience the Japanese government should hold responsible for.

  4. The oligarchs don’t want any dirty foreigners at all, of course they don’t want to let them vote.

  5. Considering that the vast majority of foreigners in Japan are Korean or Chinese, and that Japan has at best *challenging* relationships with those countries, there is zero chance that non-citizens will ever be granted voting rights in here.

    Good news is that it’s pretty easy to naturalize here. So if you really want to vote, apply for citizenship.

  6. This article is talking about local elections that cover mundane things such as whether to renovate the local community center, etc.

    Nobody is arguing that foreigners should have a say in national issues such as whether to go to war or not.

  7. They don’t refuse “Foreigners” to vote, they just refuse people without nationality to vote.

    If you’re a foreigner holding the Japanese passeport, you can vote like anyone.

    And that’s actually the same in most of countries. Why do someone who is not meant to stay in the country his whole life should have a power to decide/influence the future of the country ?

    Of course some people just have a PR and are planning to stay their whole life in Japan, but by not taking the nationality (if you plan to stay here forever) you’re just giving you an escape plan anytime while being able to stay in Japan.

    If you are not willing to take Japanese nationality (and by extension being tied to Japan whatever happens) you should not have the right to vote

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