WaniKani User Survey

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My name is Spencer Hanlin, a Foreign Language Education researcher and graduate student affiliated with Kyoto University. I am currently performing a study looking at the effectiveness of WaniKani as a platform for learning kanji and Japanese vocabulary. The results of this survey will be published as part of academic research, and any responses or comments provided may be published in a public format as a report, paper or conference presentation. However, no personal information such as email addresses or names will be provided and any personal data will be anonymized (that said I will be collecting almost no personal information through this survey). I am not affiliated with WaniKani or Tofugu in any way.

There are 3 parts asking a few questions about your experience with Japanese and your current stats on WaniKani, a brief (optional) kanji test, and a free answer portion for you to share your opinions on the app/service itself. While I am surveying current and former users primarily, if you have not used WaniKani and would like to share your thoughts about the app, you are also welcome to fill it out (selecting “Never used” on the first question will take you directly to the free answer section). Please answer as much as you are able – any and all responses will be useful!



  1. Survey: asks number of burnt kanji.

    Me who has just recently burned his first radical and no kanji yet: I know I’m still a beginner, ok?


  2. Submitted. Might have been my first time testing myself, surprisingly. I have such a split focus of learning software development and Japanese. It always feels good to realize you’re really learning when taking a test.

  3. I’ve taken part in the survey. Very glad to be able to share my opinion on this app in a helpful way.

  4. Although I have not used Wanikani in over six months, I am a level 60 lifetime subscriber and found Wanikani enormously helpful in achieving my current Japanese level. I have submitted a response to your survey. Good luck in your research!

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