who pays for health check?

I did my first annual health check. Insurance covered some part of it and i myself had to pay about 7k. According to my friend, this check is mandatory by law and my employer should imburse me for the 7k also according to the labour laws. My employer however if i understood correctly, claim i have to pay for the 7k out of my own pocket. Who is right?

  1. my company pays for the basics (minimum required by law – CBC, X-ray, barium if you are old enough)

    if you get any other tests like allergy tests you have to pay out of pocket.

    what kind of tests did you receive?

  2. For the mandatory health check, the basic check should be entirely covered (the normal blood works, blood pressure, eyes/ears, measurements, EKG, doctor consultancy) I believe. Haven’t heard or experienced it not being covered.

    Any extra checks (if you choose for example to do cancer checks or something) will be on you entirely, and will not be covered by the company or insurance.

  3. There are usually optional extras you can choose to do – usually there’s a list where you tick the ones you want to participate in. You might have to pay for those.

  4. If I remember correctly the government says that your employer must cover the expense if you are full time, and recommends that your employer cover the expense if you are part time.

  5. When u get the Health check there’s a table of checks that are all covered and other u must pay by urself. Full bloody test, mri, camera with full anesthesia , etc. I do all that are “free”.

  6. Your employer is mandated by law to provide (and pay for) an annual physical. If they’re failing to do so, it’s a huge red flag, and you should look for a new job ASAP, because this won’t be the first time they try to screw you.

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