Hakone/Mishima is there a public transport option from Hakone Tokaido checkpoint to Mishima skywalk?

Hi guys! My wife and I are thinking of making a ryokan excursion out of our journey from Tokyo to Osaka. We want to travel the Hakone ropeway, take a boat across lake Ashi, and rest for the day, before hopefully getting to stop by the Mishima skywalk on the way to Osaka.

Thing is we don’t drive /:

Do you guys know if there’s a way to get from the Hakone Tokaido checkpoint to Mishima skywalk, and then from the skywalk to Mishima station by bus?

  1. Take N65 bus (once per hour) from Hakone Sekisho-ato bus stop to Mishima Skywalk (bus stop).

    Do note that 9:27 is the earliest bus from Sekisho-ato towards Mishima and 17:47 is the latest bus from Skywalk towards Mishima, so if you are looking to the ropeway, Lake Ashi boat and Skywalk on the same day – it’s gonna be tight,

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