Best kind of hospital/doctor for abdominal discomfort?

So a little background, I’ve been feeling very light discomfort/pain in my lower right abdomen, few inches below the navel and to my right, for quite a while now. Over 1 year.

It’s more noticeable at some times than others, really low on the pain scale, but I figured I should get it checked out. Since it’s been going on for so long, I’m guessing it’s likely to be a lifestyle-related illness like an intestinal ulcer, as I have a fairly-high stress job and consume small amounts of caffeine/alcohol daily.

I **don’t** need English language help, but just wondering what the proper kind of hospital/department would be to book an appointment. I’ve had pretty robust heath and rarely needed to go to a hospital over anything, so I’m in the dark. Thanks for any answers.

  1. I have something similar.
    Been suffering for years with abdominal pain, and after doing x-ray, CT-scan, blood test, turns out there’s nothing wrong. It’s all stress related.

    I still suffer from it once in a while, I just have to reduce my caffeine intake and relax. It’s incredible how stress can affect the intestine lol.

    Get yours checked just to make sure.

  2. Probably an internist (内科) or if you want someone more specialized gastroenterologist (消化器科医)

  3. If you can, find a 内科 which also specializes in 消化器, which will have the necessary equipment to make a basic diagnosis and refer you to a big hospital if necessary. If you go directly to a big hospital you’ll have to pay an extra fee.

    Do get it checked out. It could be nothing more than trapped wind, or it could be something a lot more serious, but either way get it seen too.

  4. I had the exact thing you did, very low pain in my lower right abdomen for over a year.
    You can just go to any GP, they can then refer you to a specialist.

    In my own case I went to GP, MRI clinic, big hospital.

    Sailed through waiting lists thanks to the referrals, and I had my local GP to walk me through the results of the MRI (chronic appendicitis caused by some shit (literally) ending up in the wrong place and calcifying.

    a few days in the hospital with some laparoscopic surgery (very small scars!) and I was good as new, minus one appendix.

    total cost was less than 50,000 yen, all inclusive.

    DO IT. even if they find nothing the peace of mind of knowing it was nothing major is well worth it.

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