Sorry for the kinda repost, but even looking through old reddit posts on this topic I can’t find the answer. I’ve seen similar posts about JCOM internet talking about how the ping is very unstable, but everyone who says that seems to be using the 330mb or the default internet that comes with their apartment.
I’m thinking of switching from SB Hikari to JCOM. The upload cap doesn’t really bother me, but I’ve read that the ping can fluctuate with JCOM. However, every time I read this, it’s from someone who isn’t using the 1G connection.
Is there anyone who uses the 1G JCOM connection who games, and can you tell me your experience?
(fake edit: my reason for switching from Softbank is the connection cuts out literally every night, and also the place where the router plugs into the wall is EXTREMELY inconvenient. The plug is in the middle of a narrow hallway, and so there are cords freaking everywhere that get in the way. With JCOM, the plug would be where the cable plugs in, which is 100000x more convenient.)
1 comment
Ping for us was OK. We had a 100Mb down / 15Mb up and latency wasn’t an issue. My biggest gripe about it was that the upload was too slow for WFH and it is was really expensive.