Location for visa extension application

Hello! I apologize in advance if there’s any grammatical errors, English is not my first language. Also sorry if this is a silly  question.

 I just have a question regarding the renewal/extension of my visa.
 I recently moved from Toyama to Okayama and I’m just concerned that applying for a visa in a different prefecture might affect my visa extension application.
My family is concerned that since my “records” and their “records” are in Toyama, then I should apply for a visa extension there. We’ve always been applying for visa extensions in Toyama ever since we moved here in Japan. My family still lives in Toyama so applying there would still be doable but obviously a hassle because of the distance.
Is their concern valid or should I just apply for a visa extension here in Okayama?
For reference, I currently have a long-term resident visa.
Thank you in advance!

1 comment
  1. What family are you talking about? Your parents/cousins/siblings/etc or your spouse/kids? Also did you update your address on your zairyu card and juminhyo and properly file your moving out/in notifications?

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