How far do you think this would go to get started?

Moving to Japan with 105 million yen as to buy a house, a car and other necessities? Married with two kids. Would probably opt to move somewhere around Nagoya, about 30 minutes outside of the main city.

Visa is not a problem, wife is native, would think about work after arriving there, either starting up own business or getting a boring job somewhere, until that would happens, do you think 105 million is enough to get a house, car, put kids in school and keep up with expenses for 2-3 years if needed?

  1. Should be fine, depending on your standard of living and how much house you want. Might not cover business startup as well unless it is one with pretty low start-up costs.

  2. My 64 sq m apartment in Tokyo cost ¥64 million and the price has gone up since then. Spent another ¥1.5 million to furnish it nicely. Of course Nagoya is cheaper but you have 2 kids education and a car unlike me.

    It’s doable certainly but at what level of comfort and convenience I don’t know. Depends on how long it takes to get a job too and if your wife will work too

  3. 105m JPY is more than enough for you in Nagoya.

    You can buy a 90sqm apartment or 110sqm+ hours for under 50m, car would be just a couple of million, and even at an international school tuition shouldn’t go far beyond 1.5m per year per child.

  4. 105 million will get you started, but covering 2-3 years worth of expenses for a family of 4 as well is a bit of a stretch.

    Nagoya’s cheap, especially if you push to the outskirts. Even more so if you push out to Nagukute, Tsushima, or even Toyota. (Side note: Toyota’s schools are *excellent*. City is kinda boring, but great schools. Worth considering)

    But it’s not *that* cheap. A very quick search indicates that you’re looking at a minimum of 35 million for a detached 3LDK house. 45-50 million minimum for a 4-5LDK. Add 1-2 million to furnish it.

    You’ve got a family, so you’ll need a car. At least a sedan, since you’re not gonna be cramming 4 people into a kei box. A new mid-range Corolla is 2.2-3 milion.

    Are you planning on sending the kids to Japanese schools or international schools? International schools are *expensive*. [Nagoya International School]( is 2.35 million a year per elementary-aged student, plus another million-ish in application fees and various setup costs.

    Math says… About 65 million (Assuming international school and ~50 million for a house).

    And there are going to be a lot of extra costs I’m sure I haven’t thought of. You could easily hit 75 million in startup costs alone.

    Your wife is Japanese, so you (or rather ***she***) could potentially get a mortgage, depending on her employment situation. And if the kids are going to public schools the remaining savings will go a *lot* further.

    So, yeah… Definitely doable. Not sure about how far the remaining savings will stretch, though.

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