G-7 chair Japan urged to lead global efforts to rebuild Ukraine

G-7 chair Japan urged to lead global efforts to rebuild Ukraine


  1. Frankly its a bizarre article.

    It acts like there is a widespread living memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki being nuked, but most Japanese were not alive back then.

    Here as everywhere, since no people have been directly nuked in 85 years, people are getting lax about the prospect. And one reason is they don’t understand that with today’s technology a single nuke could take out entire countries the size of France. And that one nuke would destroy the climate and lead to a state of winter that would last for years. A few more would just be the end of everything. Thankfully nukes that size are rare, but it would not take the more advanced countries much time to start making them.

    Japan has no special clout in this area anymore.

    Also the article acts like Russia is the only one to worry about, but its the U.S. that maintains a first-strike policy, not Russia.

  2. Yet another tone-deaf idiot moment.

    This whole mess was created by the US in the first place. If they want to support Ukraine so much then the US should pay for it all. They *do* care, right? We’re forced to pay expensive gas from the US and they’re profiting from it all.

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